Abdurakhmanov Ruslan Yusupovich

Abdurakhmanov Ruslan Yusupovich, born February 12, 1991, citizen of Ukraine, ethnically Crimean Tatar, resident of the village of Azovskoye, Kherson region of Ukraine. Married, has two young children. On charges of a crime under Part 2 of Article 208 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("... Participation on the territory of a foreign state in an armed formation not provided for by the legislation of this state, for purposes contrary to the interests of the Russian Federation"), sentenced by the court to 5 years of imprisonment in a strict regime penal colony.

Deprived of liberty no later than April 20, 2022.

Новости по теме

10 Feb, 2023 | 17:10

Ruslan Abdurakhmanov is a political prisoner