Arkhipova Anna Nikolaevna

Arkhipova Anna Nikolaevna, born September 20, 1997, resident of Novosibirsk, student.

Accused of committing crimes under subparagraphs "b", "d" of Part 2 of Article 207.3 ("Public dissemination under the guise of reliable messages of knowingly false information containing data on the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in order to protect the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens for reasons of political hatred"), Part 3 of Article 280.4 ("Public calls for activities directed against state security committed by an organized group", liable to up to 7 years in prison), Parts 1 ("Creation of an extremist organisation") and 2 of Article 282.1 ("Participation in an extremist organisation", liable to up to 6 years in prison) , Part 4 of Article 354.1 ("Dissemination of information expressing obvious disrespect for society about days of military glory, as well as desecration of symbols of Russia's military glory, insulting the memory of defenders of the Fatherland using the Internet", liable to up to 3 years' imprisonment) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

She has been in custody since June 6, 2023.

Новости по теме

20 Sep, 2023 | 16:01

The six defendants in the Vesna case are political prisoners