Baburin Ilya Nikolaevich

Baburin Ilya Nikolaevich
Baburin Ilya Nikolaevich, born October 9, 1999, citizen of Russia, resident of Novosibirsk, incomplete secondary education, married, IT specialist. On May 20, 2024, he was sentenced under Art. 275 ("High treason - providing other assistance to a foreign organization in activities directed against the security of the Russian Federation"), Part 1 of Art. 205 ("Terrorist act"), Part 2 of Art. 205.5 ("Participation in the activities of a terrorist organization"), Part 3 of Art. 30, Part 4 of Art. 205.1 ("Attempted to organize the commission of a terrorist act"), Part 2 of Art. 208 of the Criminal Code ("Participation in an armed formation not provided for by federal law"), Art. 138.1 ("Illegal acquisition of a special technical device intended for covert acquisition of information") of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to 25 years of imprisonment with the first 5 years to be served in prison, the rest of the term in a strict regime colony, 1 year and 6 months of restricted freedom after release and a fine of 70 thousand rubles. Deprived of liberty since September 22, 2022.