Danilovich Iryna Bronislavovna

Danilovich Iryna Bronislavovna, born May 6, 1979, resident of the village of Vladislavovka in Crimea. Citizen of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Worked as a nurse. Activist of the medical workers' trade union movement and citizen journalist. Sentenced under Part 1 of Article 222.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation, shipment or carrying of explosive substances or explosive devices") to 7 years in prison. The appeal reduced the term to 6 years 11 months in a general regime penal colony.
Apparently, she has been deprived of her freedom since April 29, 2022.

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Iryna Danilovich’s disappearance in Crimea became known on April 29, 2022. Around 9 a.m., Irina was supposed to take a bus home in Koktebel, where she worked. However, she never made it home. Instead of Irina, FSB officers came to her family’s house, where Danilovich’s father was at the time, with a search warrant. As a result of the search, all digital equipment was seized, including Danilovich’s parents’ mobile phones. According to Irina’s father, he was told that his daughter “was detained for 10 days for transmitting non-classified information to some non-governmental organization.”