Dilmukhametov Airat Akhnafovich

Dilmukhametov Airat Akhnafovich, born June 21, 1966, lives in the city of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, opposition publicist, member of the Bashkir national movement.

Sentenced to 9 years in a strict regime penal colony under Part 2 of Article 205.2 ("Public calls for terrorist activity, public justification of terrorism or propaganda of terrorism, committed using the Internet", liable to up to 7 years' imprisonment), Part 1 of Article 280 ("Public calls for extremist activity", liable to up to 4 years' imprisonment) and Part 2 of Article 280.1 ("Public calls for extremist activity, committed using the Internet", liable to up to 5 years' imprisonment), Part 1 of Article. 282.3 ("Collection of funds knowingly intended for the preparation and commission of an extremist crime", liable to up to 8 years' imprisonment) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In custody since March 14, 2019.