Kolosov Ivan Aleksandrovich

Kolosov Ivan Alekseevich was born on 7 September 1988, a resident of the Moscow Oblast, has two minor children. He is a graduate of the Moscow Cossack Cadet Corps, a paramedic.

On 2 October 2024 he was sentenced under part 1 of article 30, part 3 of article 208 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (part 1 of article 30, part 3 of article 208 of the Criminal Code). 3 Art. 208 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (‘Preparation for participation in military actions on the territory of a foreign state for the purposes contrary to the interests of the Russian Federation’), to 9 years' imprisonment. On 19 December 2024, on appeal, the sentence was reduced to 8 years 10 months. The convict will spend the first 4 years in prison, and the rest of the time - in a strict regime colony. He is also assigned one year of restriction of freedom after release.

He has been deprived of liberty since 30 March 2023.