Artyom Kriger is a political prisoner

The SOTAvision journalist has been charged with ‘participation in an extremist group’ for alleged involvement in Aleksei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation

The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project, in accordance with international standards, considers Artyom Kriger a political prisoner. He is being prosecuted on a charge of participation in an ‘extremist community’ for his legitimate professional activities as a journalist. His prosecution violates his rights to freely collect and disseminate information and to fair trial. We demand that Artyom Kriger be immediately released, all criminal charges against him be dropped, and intimidation of journalists stopped in Russia.

Политзаключённый Артём Кригер

Who is Artyom Kriger and what are the charges against him?

Artyom Kriger is a 23-year-old correspondent of the independent media outlet SOTAvision which covers social and political issues in Russia. For the past three years, Artyom broadcast live from rallies and protests and conducted surveys and interviews in the streets. He also broadcast live from courts where politicians and anti-war activists have been on trial.

In 2023, Artyom Kriger’s uncle, Mikhail Kriger, a civic activist, a human rights defender and a member of the Moscow Oblast branch of Memorial, was sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment for posts on social media. We also consider him a political prisoner.

On 18 June 2024, Artyom Kriger’s apartment in Moscow was searched. He was then taken to the office of the Investigative Committee for questioning, and on the same day, a court remanded him in custody.

Artyom Kriger was remanded in custody on a charge of participation in an extremist group (Article 282.1, Part 2, of the Russian Criminal Code) on the grounds that he was involved in the activities of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. SOTAvision stated that the journalist never worked with this organisation.

On 27 June 2024, Artyom Kriger’s name was added to the list of extremists and terrorists.

Why do we consider Artyom Kriger a political prisoner?

Our project has monitored criminal cases against Aleksei Navalny, his associates and supporters. We believe that these prosecutions are related exclusively to the legitimate political and professional activities of the defendants.

The designation of the political organisations legally established by Aleksei Navalny and his team as an ‘extremist group’ is in no way justified. There is no evidence that these organisations engage in extremist activities.

In Russia, a vicious practice has developed of applying the article of the Criminal Code on extremist groups in such a way that lawful activities are criminalised solely because the individuals concerned have been charged with being ‘participants in an extremist group.’

The prosecution of Artyom Kriger and other journalists who, along with Navalny’s associates and lawyers, have been charged with this offence, are graphic examples of this practice. The preparation of reports, photos and videos is the essence of journalistic work. Journalists play a key role in the exercise of the constitutional right to disseminate, seek and receive information. Prosecution of journalists for their work is an attack on democracy and fundamental civil rights.

A detailed description of Artyom Kriger’s case and of our position is available on our website.

Recognition of an individual as a political prisoner does not imply the ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project agrees with, or approves, their views, statements, or actions.

How can you help?

You can write to Artyom Kriger at the following address:

In Russian: 125130, г. Москва, ул. Выборгская, д. 20, ФКУ СИЗО-5 УФСИН России по г. Москве, Кригеру Артёму Павловичу 2001 г. р.

In English: Artyom Pavlovich Kriger (born 2001), Remand Prison No. 5, Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the city of Moscow, 20 Vyborgskaya Street, Moscow, 125130, Russia.

You can send an email via F-Pismo and ZT (for Russian bank cards), or PrisonMail (for other bank cards).

You can learn more about other ways of assisting in this case on the Telegram channel of Artyom Kriger’s support group.

Please note that letters in languages other than Russian are highly unlikely to reach the recipient.

You can donate to support all political prisoners via our website.

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