Ibragim Orudzhev is a political prisoner
He faces life imprisonment for filming a military recruitment centre if convicted on a charge of undergoing training for terrorist activities
The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project, in accordance with international standards, considers Ibragim Orudzhev a political prisoner. Orudzhev is being prosecuted on a charge of undergoing training for terrorist activities for filming a military recruitment centre and for personal notes he made in a notebook. Orudzhev’s prosecution violates his right to fair trial. We demand the release of Ibragim Orudzhev, an end to his criminal prosecution, and an investigation into his allegations of torture.

What are the charges against Ibragim Orudzhev?
Ibragim Orudzhev is a fourth-year student at the Belgorod State University. In 2023 he moved to Moscow for family reasons.
On 10 November 2023, Orudzhev was detained for filming the building of a military recruitment centre. Initially, Orudzhev was jailed for 10 days for the administrative-law offence of ‘disobeying a police officer’ (Article 19.3, Part 1, of the Russian Code of Administrative Offences). When leaving the detention centre, he was detained again, this time on the criminal charge of training for terrorist activities (Article 205.3 of the Russian Criminal Code). On 22 November he was remanded in custody.
The investigative authorities claim that Orudzhev, inspired by the activities of Ukraine’s Azov Brigade and the Right Sector, which are banned in Russia,’ began to study the ideology and symbols of ‘organisations banned in Russia,’ as well as procedures for handling weapons, explosive devices, and explosives. According to the FSB, on 10 November 2023 Orudzhev conducted a ‘reconnaissance of the area’ near the military recruitment centre, which he allegedly planned to set on fire. The evidence in the case consists of records and drawings in Orudzhev’s notebook and diary.
Orudzhev himself maintains his innocence of the charge and claims he noted down the opening hours of the military recruitment centre to register for military service at his place of temporary residence.
In a letter from the pre-trial detention centre, Orudzhev said he had been tortured. If convicted on the charge against him, Orudzhev faces life imprisonment.
Why do we consider Orudzhev a political prisoner?
The charge against Orudzhev is unfounded. Personal notes and drawings made on the basis of materials found on the Internet, as well as the study of any ideology, cannot be taken as evidence of training for terrorist activities. In our view, the training process presupposes at least a minimal systematic acquisition of specialised knowledge and skills, as, for example, in camps for the training of militants.
At the same time, even if it is assumed that Orudzhev planned to set fire to a military recruitment centre, this does not automatically mean he wanted to commit an act of terrorism. Arson cannot necessarily be considered an act of terrorism.
Moreover, the information we have about this case makes it doubtful Orudzhev intended to commit any offence at all. From our standpoint, he is yet another victim of the arbitrary actions of law enforcement authorities who have detained him on a charge of a particularly serious crime and probably subjected him to torture.
A detailed description of the case of Ibragim Orudzhev and our position are available on our website.
Recognition of an individual as a political prisoner does not imply the ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project agrees with, or approves, their views, statements, or actions.
How can you help?
You can write to Ibragim Orudzhev at the following address:
In Russian: 127055, Москва, ул. Новослободская, д. 45, ФКУ СИЗО-2 УФСИН России по Москве, Оруджеву Ибрагиму Мубаризовичу, 2001 г. р.
In English: Ibragim Mubarizovich Orudzhev (born 2001), Remand Prison No. 2, Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for Moscow, 45 Novoslobodskaya Street, Moscow, 127055, Russia.
You can send an email via F-Pismo and Zonatelecom (Russian bank cards), PrisonMail (other bank cards), or OVD-Info (free of charge).
Please note that letters in languages other than Russian are highly unlikely to reach the recipient.
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