Raising €19,900 for 15 political prisoners, including Ukrainians. Support their legal defence

In June, we received many new requests for assistance. We were able to help some without initiating new fundraisers, thanks to the contributions from our monthly subscribers (for which we are especially grateful to our donors). For Anna Arkhipova and Arseniy Turbin we managed to quickly raise the necessary amounts (and even a bit more).

Now, we truly need your help

€1,573 will cover a defence lawyer’s fee during the investigation stage for Nikolai Trofimov. He is accused of rehabilitation of Nazism for marking a Banner of Victory and Russian flag with black paint. Today, on July, 4th, Nikolai was charged with new accusations of «vandalism motivated by political hatred» for a pro-military banner defacement and «desecration of the flag».

€1,570 we need to pay for lawyers in cassation appeal in the case of activist Mikhail Kriger. He was sentenced to 7 years in penal colony for publications on Facebook. In June, Mikhail’s nephew — 23-year-old journalist Artyom Kriger was arrested as well. He is suspected of engaging in an «extremist organisation», that is what Russian authorities label Anti-Corruption Foundation.

Two months of lawyer’s work will cost €1,200 The head of an Uzbek-diaspora organization «Vatandosh» Usman Baratov faces up to 6 years in penal colony. We’re collecting €520 to pay for his lawyer. €1,470 will cover 2 months of lawyer’s work in the case of Olga Komleva. Since 27 March, activist and journalist from Ufa (near the Urals) has been under arrest for allegedly participating in a community of Navalny’s supporters labelled «extremist» by Russian authorities.

€1,570 will help pay for Daniil Krinari’s lawyer’s fee. He is sentenced to 5 years in penal colony in a case of «cooperation with a foreign state». People close to Daniil think that he is really prosecuted for running an anti-war Telegram-channel. €1,570 to pay an appeals lawyer for a 60-year-old entrepreneur from Kaliningrad Andrei Galchevsky. He was sentenced to 11 years in a penal colony for treason.

€1,050 to pay a lawyer for Yury Chilikin, a left-wing activist and musician from Nizhny Novgorod. He is accused of justifying terrorism. €890 for Daniil Kliuka, an art teacher. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison for financing «Azov». Daniil wrote that he transferred money to his brother in Luhansk for his uncle’s treatment, but the security forces pressured him into making a confession.

We are also raising

€1,582 to pay for a lawyer for a Russian citizen of Ukrainian nationality with a common-law wife and daughter in Ukraine. After his beloved’s entire family was killed in the shelling, he tried to reach Ukraine. Online, he contacted provocateurs who promised to help him cross the border. There, he was detained by FSB officers and, under torture, was forced to confess that he was going to join the Volunteer Battalion.

€1,055 to pay an appeals lawyer for a resident of Nizhnevartovsk, who is accused in a terrorism case. All the defendants in this case claim that their confessions were obtained under psychological and physical pressure, torture, or threats of torture by regional CPE officers.

€1,055 to pay an appeals lawyer for a muslim political prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment. He reported being tortured by security officers. €1,819 will pay for lawyers during the investigation of 3 Ukrainian citizens.

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