We consider streamer Anna Bazhutova (YokoBovich) a political prisoner

She was arrested for posting videos about Russian war crimes in Bucha

The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project, in accordance with international standards, considers Anna Bazhutova a political prisoner. She is being prosecuted under the article on spreading ‘fakes’ about the Russian military for mentioning massacres of civilians and other crimes committed by Russian troops in Bucha near Kyiv in her live streams. The criminal case against Bazhutova violates her right to freedom of speech and is designed to silence the voices of people in Russia who criticise the war against Ukraine.

We demand that the criminal prosecution of Bazhutova be stopped and she be released from custody.

Who is Anna Bazhutova and what is the case against her?

Anna Bazhutova is a resident of Moscow and a popular Twitch streamer under the nickname YokoBovich (her channel is unavailable now). She mostly posted entertainment content, but in June 2023 she devoted several streams to the war crimes committed by the Russian military in Bucha near Kyiv in Ukraine. Bazhutova read out stories from residents of the town, reported that Russian soldiers had killed 300 people in Bucha and spoke harshly about ‘Russian occupiers.’

A criminal case was opened against Anna Bazhutova under the article on spreading ‘fakes’ about the Russian armed forces (Article 207.3, Part 2, of the Russian Criminal Code) and on 16 August 2023 she was sent to a pre-trial detention centre.

It has been claimed that the investigators have been examining Bazhutova’s involvement ‘in committing other crimes of a similar category.’

Why do we consider Anna Bazhutova a political prisoner?

Article 207.3, under which Bazhutova is being prosecuted, was urgently introduced into the Russian Criminal Code immediately after Russia’s war against Ukraine began. It effectively prohibits any criticism of the Russian authorities and military actions, thus violating the right of citizens to freedom of expression. We believe that this article contradicts both the Russian Constitution and international obligations of the Russian Federation, as well as the basic principles of law, in particular the principle of legal certainty: a citizen cannot know in advance what statements or information may be considered false in a given context. Moreover, it is impossible to establish guilty knowledge, i.e. intent to disseminate false information.

Concerning the war crimes in Bucha, the accusation of publishing ‘knowingly false’ information is untenable, since international investigations under the auspices of the United Nations, where Russia is still a member, point to the guilt of the Russian side.

Further information about this case and the position of the ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project is available on our website.

Recognition of an individual as a political prisoner does not imply the ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project agrees with or approves of their views, statements, or actions.

How can you help?

You can write to Anna Bazhutova at the following address:

In Russian: 109383, г. Москва, ул. Шоссейная, д. 92, ФКУ СИЗО-6 УФСИН России по г. Москве, Бажутовой Анне Николаевне, 1993 г. р.

In English: Anna Nikolaevna Bazhutova (born 1993), Remand Prison No. 6, Russian Federal Penitentiary Service for Moscow, 92 Shosseinaya Street, Moscow 109383, Russia

You can also use the F-Pismo and Zonatelecom mailing services.

Please note that letters in languages other than Russian are highly unlikely to reach the recipient.

You can donate to support all political prisoners on our website.

  • Бажутова
    Анна Николаевна