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We publish a report on political prisoners and political repression in Russia in 2023

In the past year, repression in Russia has increasingly expanded amid the war against Ukraine. Repression against dissidents inside the country has become inseparable from the war of aggression against its neighbours. The “Political Prisoners. Memorial” human rights project presents the report “Political Prisoners and Political Repression in Russia in 2023”. In the report, we […]

Guidelines on Definition of Political Prisoner

In view of the particular attention paid to the problems of criminal and administrative prosecution for political reasons, the cases of which have been numerous in recent years in the former Soviet republics;

Arseny Turbin is a political prisoner

A 15-year-old high school student has been sentenced to five years’ imprisonment for distributing leaflets criticising Putin The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project, in accordance with international standards, considers Arseny Turbin a political prisoner. He has been convicted on a charge of participation in a terrorist organisation for writing to the Telegram bot of […]

Fyodor Konovalov is a political prisoner

He has been remanded in custody on charges of propaganda of terrorism for having in his possession posters from the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Freedom of Russia Legion The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project in accordance with international standards, considers Fyodor Konovalov a political prisoner. He is being prosecuted for ‘propaganda of terrorism […]

Ilya Podkamenny is a political prisoner

The 19-year-old activist from Irkutsk has been sentenced to 12 years in a strict regime penal colony The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project in accordance with international standards, considers Ilya Podkamenny a political prisoner. He has been convicted of inciting extremism and propaganda of terrorism on account of leaflets he left on railway tracks […]

Ukrainian citizen Leniye Umerova is a political prisoner

She was subjected to a whole series of short jail terms for administrative-law offences and then remanded in custody for espionage The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project, in accordance with international standards, considers Leniye Umerova a political prisoner. She is being prosecuted on a charge of espionage for photos of military equipment allegedly found […]

Karelia Yabloko members charged in “Petropit case” recognised as illegally prosecuted for political reasons

Member of the Petrozavodsk city council from the Yabloko party Olga Zaletskaya and managing director of the Lentorg trading house Alexandra Kornilova were arrested on March 25, 2015. They were charged under part 4, article 159 of the Russian Criminal Code (“Embezzlement, committed by a group of

List of People Recognised as Political Prisoners by the Memorial Human Rights Centre on June 1, 2015

1. Bagavutdinova, Zarema Ziyavtudinovna born on September 18, 1968 in the town of Buynaksk in the Republic of Dagestan, a member of the Dagestani public organisation Pravozashchita, sentenced to five years in a general-regime colony on a charge of committing a crime envisaged in part 1, article

Ukrainian Azov regiment POWs are political prisoners

24 Ukrainians are on trial on charges of terrorism The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project, in accordance with international standards, considers the Ukrainian Azov regiment PoW Olena Avramova, Nina Bondarenko, Alyona Bondarchuk, Natalia Holfiner, Artem Hrebeshkov, Artur Hretskyi, Anatolii Hrytsyk, Oleh Zharkov, Yaroslav Zhdamarov, Oleksandr Irkha, Oleksandr Ishchenko, Vladyslava Maiboroda, Oleksandr Merochenets, Iryna Mohitych, […]

Vadim Kharchenko is a political prisoner

A YouTube blogger has been placed under house arrest for speculating on reasons for the Russian military’s withdrawal from Kherson in Ukraine The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project, in accordance with international standards, considers Vadim Kharchenko a political prisoner. He is being prosecuted under the article on repeated ‘discrediting’ of the Russian military for […]