Natalia Filonova, a human rights defender from Buryatia, is a political prisoner

She is put behind bars on charges of allegedly assaulting and scratching two police officers with a pen

The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project considers Natalia Filonova a political prisoner in accordance with international standards. Filonova’s criminal prosecution is designed to curb her activities as a political activist and human rights defender and is intended to intimidate Russia’s civil society.

We demand that Natalia Filonova be immediately released and that all criminal charges against her be dropped.

Who is Natalia Filonova and what is the case against her?

Natalia Filonova is a civil society activist from Ulan-Ude, a city in south-east Siberia (about 4420 km to the east of Moscow). For many years, she has been active as an independent journalist and human rights defender, much to the displeasure of the regional authorities.

Filonova was repeatedly charged with administrative offences, in other words, offences not serious enough to be considered criminal under Russian law. For instance, in April 2022, she got arrested for demanding that Z, the symbol of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, be removed from the passenger compartment of a bus. Yet, despite the fines and arrests, Filonova persisted in her activism, which prompted the authorities to increase their pressure on her.

Filonova’s criminal prosecution began on 26 September 2022. She was accused of assaulting two policemen and scratching the face of one of them with a ballpoint pen. The incident allegedly occurred in a police car right in front of the courthouse in Ulan-Ude, where Filonova had been taken after being detained at an anti-war protest. She was charged with the use of violence against government officials (Article 318, Parts 1 and 2, of the Russian Criminal Code).

In November 2022, Filonova was moved to the remand centre after she had been under house arrest since 22 October 2022. A disabled child in her care was sent to an orphanage.

Why do we consider Natalia Filonova a political prisoner?

Our examination of Filonova’s case reveals that the article on the use of violence against police officers is being used to neutralise an active opponent of the authorities.

Filonova, a 61-year-old pensioner, has been accused of attacking two policemen after illegal administrative detention. We believe that the general context and the specific circumstances of this case indicate that the primary transgressions were committed by the police, who unlawfully detained and held Filonova.

In such circumstances, regardless of whether policemen inflicted the damages themselves or acquired them as a result of the conflict, the charges against Filonova are unfounded. Moreover, the criminal prosecution and custody are utterly disproportionate to Filonova’s alleged actions and their consequences.

Further information about this case and the position of the ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project is available on our website.

Recognition of an individual as a political prisoner does not imply the ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ project agrees with or approves of their views, statements, or actions.

How can you help?

You can write to Natalia Filonova at the following address (letters must be written in Russian):

In Russian: 670000, г. Улан-Удэ, ул. Пристанская, д. 4-а, ФКУ СИЗО-1 УФСИН России по Республике Бурятия, Филоновой Наталье Ивановне, 1961 г.р.

In English: Filonova Natalia Ivanovna (born 1961), Remand Prison No. 1, Russian Federal Penitentiary Service of Buryatia, 4-a Pristanskaya Street, Ulan-Ude, Buryatia, 670000, Russia.

You can also send an electronic letter via the website F-Pismo.

Here you can donate to support all political prisoners in Russia.

  • Архив
    Наталья Ивановна